Reminiscent Mix-tape (2014)

I released this project on June 30, 2014.

I remember the release of this mix-tape very clearly because it’s the last bit of music my mother heard from me.

2014 was the year I moved away from D.C. I finally left home to explore the world and find myself. My desire to pursue my music career was a burning passion. In June, I was two months into living in Atlanta.

I recorded some of this project in Miami and put the finishing touches to it in Atlanta.

Dropped it online on June 30.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

My mother called telling me her favorite songs in order from greatest to least.

Her favorite song -> “Tired” and the it was “The One”

I love you mom. Miss your feedback.


Ok y’all please note. My recording quality was horrible ha! I hadn’t quite become a self made Audio Engineer from YouTube.

This is a free mix-tape. Free to download. If you’d like to make a donation in exchange of a download, You’re amazing!



B.S.N.W.H. - Mix-Tape


Too Much - Single